5 top reasons to partake in ballroom dancesport competitions

ballroom dancesport competitions


Sports are a part of our culture and touch nearly everyone’s life to some degree. Having kids do sports, especially team sports goes way beyond the benefits of just keeping them active so they get tired. For starters, kids who participate in sports have stronger muscles and bones. It also helps keep their weight under control, which is important considering the child obesity problem we are seeing. Being active in sports will also help keep their heart healthy, because it improves cardiovascular endurance. Being on a sport team also helps kids with social interactions, building teamwork, and leadership skills.

As adults, we understand the benefits of sports in our kids’ life. But, how about us, adults? If you are an adult, and you are feeling that it’s too late to pick any sport, Think again. If you have never played any sport before, you still can. Whether you are 10 years old or 90 years old, there is one sport where you can compete at any age regardless of your physical shape or form. Introducing ballroom dancesport competitions.

Ballroom dancesport is the competitive version of ballroom dancing. DanceSport is the activity that combines sport and dance, and that allows the participants to improve physical fitness and mental well-being, to form social relationships and to obtain results in competition at all levels. If you have been taking dance lessons and feel comfortable dancing with others, you might want to try a dance competition. Ballroom dancesport competitions are perfect for anyone regardless of their age and status.

Ballroom DanceSport competitions, are basically couples assembled on a dance floor being compared with other couples by qualified judges, on relative performance and execution using a defined and recognized set of standards.

ballroom dancesport competitions

Here are the five biggest reasons why you should try ballroom dancesport competitions.

1. A Good Bit of Inspiration

A dance sport competition is the perfect place to be inspired to try something different. Where else would you have the opportunity to see so many amazing dancers, who all do things slightly differently? You can’t win first if you’re not at your best. So a dance competition is the perfect setting to challenge yourself to improve!

2- Promoting an Active Lifestyle

It stands to reason that being on the move helps kids stay in shape and builds athleticism and endurance. Same goes for adults. Participating in dancesport events can also help to reduce body fat, control body weight, help fight depression and anxiety and strengthen bones. Ballroom dancesport allows you to develop and maintain an active lifestyle.

3. A Good Sense Of Achievement

Something that we can all relate to is the sense of achievement we feel when we accomplish our goals. The simple task of setting a goal and then reaching it is a great way to improve your skills and feel great about yourself! Ballroom Competitions can be fun, and whether you win or lose, there’s always something you can learn.

4. A Good Critique

Of course, there is always the other side of competition, when someone else wins. There are many ways to approach the inevitable off-day. You don’t have to let it get you down; it can be an excellent learning opportunity! You can take the chance to listen carefully to any critiques you received and move forward to continue to improve.
How can you improve if you don’t know what could use some work? A good critique can inspire you  to strive for better the next time around! And remember, not winning does NOT make you a bad dancer; every dancer has their on-days and their off-days!

5. A Good Attitude

Dance sport competitions build character. They can make you a better person if you allow it. Learning to congratulate someone who may have just narrowly beaten you in your category is a fantastic thing you can do for yourself.
There are endless opportunities for fun and growth at a dance competition. If you keep up the positive energy, you are destined to have a great time. Competing at ballroom dancesport competitions is an excellent opportunity to be your best self, all while learning to become an even better dancer.

ballroom dancesport competitions

Ballroom Dancesport Competitions

Dancesport is the term used to describe high level American style and international style of ballroom dancing. It is done on a competitive level rather than exhibition or social dancing, and features various categories such as International Latin-American, International Ballroom, American Rhythm and American Smooth. It’s structured as Bronze, Silver, Gold in the Pro-AM group. Bronze category is further divided into newcomers, beginner, intermediate, and Full. To keep the level fair, the newcomer level is for people that never competed before (first ballroom dancesport competitions) or have less than one year of dance training.

The first two levels of the bronze (newcomer and beginner) are usually considered social dancing level. So if you have been dancing socially, then you are almost ready. The other two levels in the Bronze category, ie intermediate and full bronze are where you will start developing your dancesport skills. The bronze level the most important level in the Pro-Am category as it builds the character needed to become a dancesport athlete as well as the technique needed to go to the next level.

So, if you have been dancing socially for a while and you would like to take your dancing to the next level, try ballroom dancesport competitions. The worse thing that can happen to you is that it will make you a better dancer to say the least.

ballroom dancesport competitions


Remember: you can compete in your own age group (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s; and ability, ie beginner, intermediate, advanced.

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